Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Where in the World?--Can This American Survive in North Africa?

The answer is yes!  I can (and will) survive in North Africa, Morocco to be more specific.  I may be an introvert, and I may have never traveled abroad by myself, but I will make the most out of my experience abroad and have a blast doing so.

Survival tactic #1: I know how to read a map that's not on my phone.  Yes, I can read a paper road/city/country map.  It's an almost antiquated skill now, but my dad made sure that I knew how to read a map in case I got lost anywhere and everywhere.  Ten points to Father Rigatti!

Survival tactic #2: I also know how to find public transportation and how to use it.  I didn't grow up in a big city, but my family traveled enough to Boston (one of the most confusing cities in the United States mind you because there is no grid system like other big cities) that I learned how to work the system pretty well.  Since this goes along with survival tactic #1, I'm only giving 5 points to the Rigatti Family this time.

Survival tactic #3:  Even though I'm a hardcore introvert, I'm not afraid to ask questions.  I used to be afraid.  Oh yes.  I wouldn't talk to anybody for anything even if I was lost and cold and hungry at one point in my life.  I have, however, overcome that fear and will now readily ask questions if I'm in a pickle.  I think this skill deserves more points because I overcame something in order to have it.  Fifteen more points to Taylor Rigatti!

Survival tactic #4:  Have an open mind.  I've been exposed to different cultures through other abroad experiences and interaction with international students at Maryville College.  It's so important to have an open mind and heart when learning about another culture because it keeps you from assuming too much about a people before you have first hand experience with them and what they believe.  My parents stressed to me at a young age that I should accept everyone for who they are and not to make assumptions based on their appearance or beliefs.  Twenty more points to the Rigatti Family.

Survival tactic #5:  Teach others about your own views and culture.  This is a skill that I'm still working on.  It can be difficult to not get upset when someone assumes something about you that is not true and won't stop harping about it.  I encountered this a couple times in Ghana, and it just frustrated me.  I need to learn to take criticism from others and to turn it into a learning point for them and myself.  I'm learning how people view the United States, and I'm trying to teach others that we're not all the same in the United States.  I'm taking 10 points from Taylor Rigatti because she's still working on this skill.

I'm very excited to go abroad (and survive) to learn about the culture within Morocco and the cultures of the different international students I'm sure I'm going to meet while there.  I want to show people that not all Americans are the same.  We don't all have the same mindset; we're just as diverse in this country as other countries are.  We're not all bigheaded and have few social skills like I've heard from people before.  That will be my biggest challenge: to not get offended when someone says something derogatory about me because I'm from the U.S.  It's something I struggled with in Ghana and Italy, but I'm trying to work on it before I go to Morocco.

Overall, I believe that I'm ready to go to Morocco, and I know that I will survive in a foreign country with a different language and culture from what I'm used to.  Let's get this show on the road!

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