Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Academics abroad

DISCLAIMER: School normally hurts my head, but school abroad.... brings this headache to a whole other level.

(this is will be the end of my complaints.. for now)

What i have discoverd about schooling abroad/ everything else to with it is that practically everything is done differently than in the U.S. For years ive always that eveeryone else was the problem... but just because we are in fact the United States of America, doesnt mean that our ways are the most effiecient.. just thought about as the best!

I had to do some online research for Academic abroad and this is what i came up with:

 4 classes per term- averages about 20 hours in class per week
Term is 15 weeks long

Spanish classes abroad:
The courses have a similar feel to language courses in North America with a smaller student/instructor ratio and an interactive atmosphere.  These courses are offered to all non-native Spanish speakers, so you will find many students in your classes who are not from North America.

If you take integrated courses with Argentine students, they tend to be more informal than in North America and it is not uncommon for students to come in late or to openly disagree with a professor.

Teaching Style:
typically going to be a lecture format where the professor is in front of the class and the students are taking notes; however, students can be more argumentative and vocal in class than what North Americans are used to and class discussions can become very animated.

Since most students work full-time, it is very common for classes to be held at night, and the age range of students is broader than in a typical North American classroom. Taking integrated courses with Argentine students is a great way for you to make local friends and to really get a feel for what university life is like for a typical Argentine student.

Each student starts with a zero. 
The grading scale goes from 0 to 10. 
1, 2, or 3 would all be failing grades
4 and 5 are both equivalent to a “C” here at Maryville. 
A 6 or 7 would be equivalent to a “B,” 
8, 9, or 10 is the equivalent to an A.

Credits/ course:
-Credits and classes are considered on the basis of how many hours the class is a week. 
-My espanol advanzado class is 4 hours a week so im assuming that it will transfer over as 4 credit hours. Aka I need to good !!
-It also seems that most classes are 4 credit (hours) there = 4 credit at MC

While the rest of kirsten questions may still be unanswered, i can say that this whole pre- departure experience has allowed me to learn something new every day.

maybe prior to departture i will learn to answers to these questions; that will also come in time with me interpreting my acceptance letter and detailed instructions in spanish...

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