Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?

What are you going to do with your degree? Why Italy? Why these classes? Why this why that?  These are the questions I get on a daily basis most days.  Well let me explain these questions for those people. 

What am I going to do with my degree?

Well as most International Business majors would say own an international business.  For me it is more along the lines of hopefully work my way up in a successful international company and improve their business while forming my business plan and raising the funding for said business or possibly just stay on in a company.  I can’t plan out my future the way I would plan an essay in college.  My future is an unwritten book that can only be written one page at a time.  Along with my degree in International Business I am working on my economics minor and quite possibly a political science minor.  Because understanding the economy and the politics behind the business is a good thing.

Why Italy?                     

Why not Italy?  Italy is known for many successful companies and industries such as fashion and shoes.  Why would I not want to experience the strategies behind these strong industries? Along with strong industries Italy also has great morals and values that they include in their business practices.


Why these classes?

Well for one these classes fit into my degree requirements.  Secondly why would an international business major not be taking business, economics, political science and language courses? Seriously though.  Why would I go abroad and not take classes that pertained to my degree unless I had a lot of flexibility to play with which I don’t?  Why these classes still?  For me these classes are good classes to take abroad and receive a different perspective on these subjects to use to my advantage in the future.


My Future

While in Italy I hope or aim to volunteer in a business to gain some new techniques and strategies that I could apply to my future as a businesswoman.  I am hoping to take the classes I have chosen as a whole to help me learn new perspectives. To help me in the future.  As well I hope to learn the great skill of emersion in Italy to help me get into the culture and way of life.  Which as an international business major will probably be the best skill I can learn and fast with all of my traveling that could be in my future.

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