Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Study Abroad Goals

     Studying abroad was not part of my original college plan. I was supposed to get my bachelor's in biochemistry and work in a lab for the rest of my life. However, after the fall semester of my junior year, my grandmother encouraged me to follow my love for language instead. Taking her advice, I switched majors and colleges that very spring semester. Now, as an International Studies major with an Asian concentration, I am required to spend time abroad. Having always had an interest in Japan, I decided to enroll in Japanese classes and study Japan in depth.

     If all goes well, I will be going to Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University over the summer. During my time in Beppu, my first goal will be to enhance my Japanese language capability. I wish to speak to as many people as possible, and learn the parts of the Japanese language that cannot be taught in a textbook. This will be a daunting task, as I will only be abroad for 62 days, but I want to learn as much as possible before I return to Maryville College.

     My second goal is to completely immerse myself in Japanese culture. I want to learn all I can about Beppu and the native traditions to the region, as well as take part in as much of it as I can. I will strive to be involved in absolutely everything, while at the same time realizing that this will not be entirely possible.

     All in all, I hope to return to America with experiential knowledge to couple my book knowledge. I want to know Japan first-hand, rather than from what I've heard or read about. I want not only to enjoy my time in Beppu, but to analyze it and learn as much as possible. I am truly grateful to have this experience that I would have otherwise never have had a chance at obtaining.

1 comment:

  1. Good goals and strategies. Since you want to learn a language, try this techniques: http://thestudyabroadblog.com/steps-to-improve-your-language-fluency/
