Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Mackenzie Yaksic: Blog 1

I am spending a semester abroad in Valparaiso, Chile learning Spanish language skills, cultural information, and practicing traditional dance techniques. My main goal for the trip is to learn as much of the Spanish language as I possibly can. I took my first Spanish course the Fall of my Sophomore year in college, and I fell in love with the language. I have a strong desire to learn and speak as masterfully as I possibly can. Another goal of mine is to become well acquainted with traveling, because I wish to travel all over the world during my life time.  I want to learn how to be a savvy traveler, equipped with expert packing knowledge, world-wide personal connections, and a vast traveling resume.
My general feeling about my impending journey is nervousness. I feel nervous for a few specific reasons. First, I am still a novice at the Spanish language. By the time I arrive in Chile, I will have taken only three Spanish language courses. I have a lot to still learn. I am also nervous because I have not yet traveled such a distance for such a time period as this trip. I am anxious to be on my own in another country that does not speak my first language. I am also feeling truly exciting. I know I want to become bilingual and travel the world, and these things need a beginning story. This is my origin story to how I will someday become bilingual and will someday travel many places abroad.
One major thing that I plan to do to maximize my experience is learn as much about the city and country. I want to have an appreciation for the place and its culture, so I want to learn as much as I possibly can, both before and during the trip. I also want to travel while I am abroad. I want to backpack through some of the regions in Southern South America. I also want to make lasting connections while I am on this trip. All students who study abroad have one very special thing that links us all: we all have a hunger for adventure. I want to connect with others and create friendships that will last forever.

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