Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I Thought You Said Vacation...

Well this is embarrassing...

In all seriousness, though, I'm not entirely sure what I want to do specifically "when I grow up." All I know is that I want to help people, and that's a pretty broad and common goal. I have some interest in the Middle East because it is currently in so much turmoil, and the USA is very involved. The involvement isn't entirely welcome, though. I'm curious to know how America is portrayed in Middle Eastern media versus how the Middle East is portrayed in American media. I plan on getting a head start on my senior study and doing some field research while I'm over there. I'm also hoping that I don't decide I would rather have a different thesis topic...

I have also signed up for classes that will broaden my perspective and knowledge of the global issues that I'm interested in.

Beyond those two plans, I'm just hoping to visit diverse places and meet a lot of people to gain global connections. I want to broaden my awareness, and maybe after I study abroad I will be more certain of what I want to do with my life. That would be nice.

P.S. Since I wasn't aware about this blog post until after class, I have a better idea of the things I can do to help me vocationally while I'm abroad. It would be a great experience if I could help refugees in the Middle East or volunteer to do work in developing regions, but I'm not sure how available and realistic these opportunities are for a white, female college student.  It's something worth looking into, though, and I hadn't considered it before!

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