Monday, November 4, 2013

Intercultural Competency- Rachel Burton

       I think the combination of implementing frequent "me" time and calling home regularly will be the best way for me to deal with the adjustments and ease my transition into the new culture.  I'm very close to my parents, and so for me, there's nothing more comforting than calling them and venting to them or telling them about how my week is going.  We said that we would make Sunday our weekly Skype date, so that's going to ensure time to release any tension or frustration from the previous week.  I don't predict much needed venting or frustration since I'm going to a country whose culture is mostly like mine, but I'm sure there will be little differences that could add up quickly and put me down for that week or so.  I never give myself much "me" time here at Maryville College because there are people everywhere, in my classes, at my extracurricular activities, and in my dorm room, but I think it will be very important for me to do while abroad to reflect over my emotions and feelings.  I also really want to keep in touch with my friends from back home as much as possible.  I know my three roommates will want to have Skype dates with me pretty regularly, but scheduling a time that works about for the four of us will be the challenge.  Everyone is so busy in college, but I hope to be able to stay in touch with my friends by using Facebook messages.  It is very important to me to keep updated with my roommates and close friends, and they find it very important too, so thank God for technology!
        I think there are many things I can do in my "me" time that will be comforting and relaxing.  Reading a novel, watching TV shows on Netflix and making hot chocolate.  I also want to stay healthy and fit by eating well and exercising regularly.  I will cook most of my meals since we have a kitchen in our dorm and there's no meal plan.  I will try to get mostly healthy ingredients from the grocery store and will try to make large-portion meals that I can get multiple meals out of, for example, pasta dishes that are filling, healthy, and can be reserved.  I plan to run most days of the week.  With the influence of Mary Beth and a set running schedule, hopefully, I will actually follow through with this plan.  Exercising is very important in times of difficulty, because it helps decrease stress, enhance good moods, and keeps you healthy while you're in a foreign atmosphere.
      With the two goals, communicating with my friends and my parents every week, implementing a scheduled "me" time every week, and exercising regularly, I think my study abroad experience will be enhanced, and will make my adjusting to the new culture and area easier.

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