Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Peek at Life at Maryville College

Maryville College has been a very eye opening experience for me; this is my home, it's where I've become who I am. There is so much about college that gives you the opportunity to become much more of the person you've been struggling toward for 18 years. There are new people to meet and we're free to explore-- the mountains and the city are both easily accessible.

I sound like a bad commercial when I talk about my life and my college experience, but I really do appreciate so much about what I've been able to do for the past three years. I've been through the worst year of my life here, and I've also had my best.

Honestly, the most important part of college for me are the relationships I've formed. With these people, I've experienced great joy

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis concert in Asheville

And I've experienced great tranquility

Cookout at the lake at Carbide Park
I've learned a lot at Maryville. My life here is my life. I don't consider any other time in my existence to be more pivotal than this. I've opened up a lot mentally and emotionally since graduating high school and learning to live on my own. Something that helped me a lot initially during my transition into college was joining the cross country team. This is a group of motivated and deeply supportive people. We ran together, but we also joked, ate, cried, bled, and sometimes even lived together. My team kindly embraced me when I arrived as fresh-faced, uncomfortable high school grad and supported me both physically and emotionally for years, and continue to do so even though I am leaving them for Ireland next season.

Pre-race warmup candid of the girls team
My peers and I have grown together. We've gotten better about scheduling my time appropriately

Notes for Baroque Art History Exam (started at 3 in the morning)
We've learned to accept things we can't change

3rd day of finals resignation

And we've really become a family

Christmas 2013

I've lived

first days of spring


cold night, warm hearts

a rare nice day in January 


Christmas decorations

and Breathed 

Hike at Abram's Creek

with them. I love Maryville, and I love the people, and I really love my life. I am blessed.

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