Sunday, September 13, 2015

My Study Abroad Goals for Greece

I spent this past summer in Athens, Greece for six weeks and fell in love with the people, the culture, and the experiences I had during my time there. I’m excited to go back now and study at a local college in Athens. 

I have a general idea of what I would like to do during my time in Greece, but my goals for the trip aren’t too specific (at least not yet). I definitely hope to revisit some of the people and places from my last trip there, and also to make new connections. I hope to travel a bit more and see different areas of the city and maybe even parts of the rest of the country. 

Academically, I am looking forward to taking courses in my major from the extensive Marketing program that the school offers. I am also hoping to take courses on Greek culture and possibly even language. The history and culture of Greece is fascinating and I am really hoping to learn as much as I can while I am there. 

At this point in my preparation, I am mostly feeling excitement. If I were traveling to a place that I had never been before, I think I would feel more fear or apprehension, but I am just really looking forward to going back. I am already fairly familiar with the city, the means of transportation, and (to a very small degree) the language. Additionally, I am familiar enough with the culture to feel comfortable in day-to-day life. There is still a lot that I would like to learn, but I won’t have to deal with as much culture shock immediately upon arrival. I also had the opportunity to briefly visit the school that I will be attending, which also helps me to feel more prepared and less apprehensive. The only fear I have at this point is the possible differences in teaching styles from what I am used to. While it is the “American” College of Greece, I’m sure there will still be some academic expectations that are unique from my schooling background. 

There are many things that I could do to maximize my experience, but there are 3 that I feel are especially important: 
  1. Spend as much time as possible in the culture. I want to get to know the people, the language, the history, and all the amazing things that Greece has to offer. I also think that the experience will be eye-opening in light of recent events in Greece. The financial and economic crisis and the refugee crisis are both things that I know little about as an American. I am interested to see how the people react in their day-to-day lives to these events and how it differs from the culture that I know.
  2. Take courses that I can’t take at home. The school I will be attending offers a wide range of courses that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to take otherwise. I am excited to begin planning my schedule and choosing classes.
  3. Meet people. One of the most important lessons I learned during my first trip to Greece was the value of having close connections and people to share your experiences with. I hope to meet both Greeks and other foreigners alike to make the most of my time there.
I am hoping to come back from this trip with a more knowledgable worldview, a deeper appreciation for the importance of traveling, and a better understanding of the benefits of studying abroad.

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