Thursday, April 28, 2016

Vocational Goals

Studying abroad definitely will contribute to my vocational goals. I am graduating with a Bachelor's in International Business and a Bachelor's in Spanish. I do plan to attend law school when I return from Spain, but as of right now, I'm not really sure exactly what I want to do. I know that I love business and I'm good at it, and I would like to follow in my father's footsteps and become an entrepreneur as he did. I also really like law and have enjoyed law classes I have taken in the past. I have aspired to be a lawyer since I was in 7th grade. As I think about the attributes I will gain while studying in Spain next fall, I see that it doesn't really matter what career path I choose, because in all reality, all of the skills I gain while studying abroad will be helpful in either career field.

I am already fluent in Spanish, but I never studied it in school until college. Everything I know is based on what sounds right and from reading in Spanish since I was a child. I decided to major in Spanish because I wanted to be able to read and write it as efficiently as I speak it. While I'm studying in Spain, I know my Spanish will improve because I will be forced to speak it all of the time, unlike I do here when I only speak Spanish when I'm at home with my family or around my Spanish speaking friends. I know I will be faced with a challenge when I arrive in Spain, because while they do speak Spanish, most speak Catalan. I see this as an opportunity to gain fluency in a Spanish dialect, which would be helpful for my vocational goals. There is no doubt it will be tough to adjust to the mix of two romance languages, but I'm excited to step up to the plate and really attempt to learn this dialect.

To be able to gain fluency more quickly, I will have to become involved on campus and really reach out to become part of the community. I would love to have the opportunity to play volleyball or soccer again, so I may join club teams while I am there. They also have a debate club, so I may join that as well, since it would be helpful for my legal career. An internship would also be very helpful. I have interned previously in a political office and with a school system helping with the Spanish speaking students learning English. I would love to find an internship in a government office while I am there or with an elementary school with the Spanish department.

I think the most helpful skills I will gain from studying abroad are: fluency in Spanish and Catalan, being independent, adaptability, and networking/communication skills.  

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