Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Intercultural Competency: Getting Involved & Living Like a Local- Hannah Chretien

To me, living like a local means to not only participate in, but also to fully engage in daily local life. Living like a local does not mean to necessarily become a local, but to engage in the same practices in the same way as locals do. In Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, I hope to try to become as fully immersed into the typical student life as possible. There are multiple clubs and volunteer opportunities available to me, one of which is a club dedicated to tutoring English. I think I will try to start by joining that club, as it should be easier for me to communicate initially if I am around others who understand even basic English. By being part of the club, I should be able to make friends with the other members, and hopefully be able to branch out from there. I imagine my day-to-day life being spent in class, studying, and in club activities. On the weekends, I hope to have local friends that can show me around the city and help me to integrate into the culture while I am there. 

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