Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Preparing for the Job

For those of you who don't know, I plan to become a cultural anthropologists. In other words, I want to study cultures. I have a particular interests in Asian cultures and sub-cultures. 

How will studying abroad help me with my future vocation?

Well, it'll help with everything, basically.

See, one of the main parts of cultural anthropology is that you live and dwell among the culture you wish to study. This helps you have an insider's look on their way of life. Studying abroad will be my first step into this process. It'll be a great opportunity to see how I adjust to new cultures, how I observe new cultures, and how I learn new languages. It'll also help me see if I even want to explore cultural anthropology as a career.

Another way studying aboard helps me with my future job is with the classes I'm taking. Aside from my Japanese classes, I will be taking a selection of classes from either history, sociology, religion, and anthropology. There's one class in particular that I really hope to be in that focuses on sub-cultures. This class will definitely help me form a better understanding on the that specific culture, and whether or not I wish it to continue down that field. The other classes will give me a better understanding on the Japanese culture as a whole. To study this classes in the actual culture is an opportunity I don't want to miss! 

All together, this experience will show me whether or not I'm going down the right path in my life. I love cultures, hence wanting to be an anthropologist, but there are other vocations that use cultures. This will just allow me to see where I am down that path.

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