Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Blog 1: Study Abroad Goals

Studying Abroad could be one of my greatest accomplishments, and will be some much better than just traveling to Japan (or at least that’s what I keep telling myself). I think the chance to study abroad will give me a lot more time and opportunities. My one real goal for studying abroad is to survive my time there and learn as much as I can. While most of my goals seem to be purely academic (and boring), there are many small things I also want to accomplish while I am there.

Major Goals

  • Language: I want to greatly improve my Japanese language skills which are currently not up to par. Because, if I’m being honest, I should readily admit that getting through my classes was a small struggle. While I really enjoy the learning the language, I know that I still have a long way to go.

o   I want to be able to understand the natural speed of native Japanese-speakers
o   Know a majority of the Kanji so I won’t be completely lost
o   Possibly work towards the level required of a language translator

  • Culture: I want to learn more about the society as a whole.

  • Economics: While in Japan, I want to learn more about the Japanese viewpoint and economic practices in order to obtain more information that would benefit my work towards a master’s degree in economics.
  • Professional: I want to learn skills that would help with a future job.

Minor Goals

  • Exploring: There are many things I want to do while in Japan.

o   Visit all of the major cities and temples
o   Go to any national parks or museums that I think would be interesting

  • Random:

o   Buy souvenirs for all of my friends, family, coworkers, etc.
o   Try lots of different foods
o   Join a club/ play an intramural sport
o   Drink tons of coffee
o   Make a few good friends

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