Tuesday, September 3, 2013


by Afton Boles

It’s been a long road that has lead me to where I am today. Although, that’s basically the case for everyone, I guess. There are so many little decisions I’ve made over the years that have all pointed me to International Studies and studying abroad. Why do I want to do it? Gosh, that is such a vague little question that is hard to answer. My first thought is, “Because I want to.” I know that’s not really an answer, though. So, I’m going to reference back to my cat-whispering days and dreams of traveling the world. It just feels right. Somehow, I am so absolutely certain I’m supposed to be doing this that it’s hard to actually give a straight answer. It’s like trying to explain what love is – such a simple concept that doesn’t quite have a definite definition. That being said, there are still some nagging doubts. Not if studying abroad is the right thing, but I worry about all the other what-if’s.

I’m a little worried that I’m going to be frustrated at my language skills, considering I’m going to be completely and totally immersed in French culture. There’s the tiniest fear that I’m not going to like it as much as I think I’m going to. Overall, I think there is a healthy balance of fear and excitement considering the amount of knowledge I have about where I’m going and what I’m really getting myself into. I’m not going to lie; one of my biggest anticipations is the food. Being very prone to an independent attitude, I’m eager about genuinely being on my own and surprising myself with just how much I can do. I’m even secretly hoping I get lost just so I can find my own way. However, what I want most is to find some gratification that I’m on the right path. I want more gut feelings that this is IT; I want a deeper hunger for experiencing different cultures, languages, and interaction with people than I have now.  I want a sign that what I’m slowly catching onto is my calling.

There are so many things I want to do and only a short six-month period to do them in. While I’m aware that my list of must-do activities will exponentially increase once I arrive in France, there are a couple things on my bucket list that are definite so far. 1) I have to see the Eiffel Tower. 2) I’m going to eat pizza in Italy the first chance I get. 3) I want to make life-long friends from at least 5 different countries. 4) I need TONS of pictures. 5) The blog must go on. 6) If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you; I will challenge myself every single day so I can make the most of my time in France.

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