Friday, November 3, 2017

Academic Differences

The overall class structure and larger university model of Universities in America and Germany are quite similar. It is my impression that Maryville, being a private liberal arts college, will be a bit different than the larger University in Eichstatt. For one, the class sizes in Eichstatt can be anywhere from 250 to 5. Germany has larger classes called lectures where it is a professor teaching about the subject. But, they also have seminar classes that will be more interactive and probably what I am more accustomed to at Maryville. The attendance policy also seems to be quite different because in Germany there is no attendance policy, so going to class is completely up to you. I imagine this being quite dangerous for me because sometimes the attendance policy is the only thing the gets me to class. But, I do like the autonomy of being able to study when I want to and not totally subject to going to classes like in America. As for credits, the majority of classes are worth 5 credits in Germany and will come back to Maryville as 3 credits. I am guessing and hoping that the rigor of the religion and philosophy classes are challenging and stimulating. Like most classes, it is best to learn and grow in a subject, especially philosophy, where you can find a professor you can openly talk to. I am also very excited that Eichstatt has a similar interest and fervor for outdoor activities just like Maryville. The offer kayaking, biking, and yoga classes! So, inside and outside the classroom I am excited to broaden my horizons while not feeling too far removed from home!

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