Wednesday, February 25, 2015

First time abroad

Studying abroad is something that I have looked forward to since I was a little girl. I have been fortunate enough to travel across the United States to places such as Hawaii, Utah, Texas, Indiana, and many more. These opportunities started my love for traveling.

Though I have never been out of the country, I do not worry too much. Being away from home isn't something that has ever been a problem for me. I love the idea of seeing as much of the world as I can while I have the opportunities. I have traveled alone, so this doesn't really concern me, but I would like to have someone with me who can show me the unique places that I need to go while I am in the country.

When I was filling out my self-audit sheet, I did realized one concern. I am so picky with trying new food and drinks that I started worrying that this would be a problem. What if I get to Chile and don't like the food? I am hoping that I will adjust easily and I will find traditional Chilean dishes that I not only like, but learn to cook so that I can bring them here and cook for my friends and family.

One thing that I won't have a problem with is reaching out to new people. If anyone knows me, the last word that they would use to describe me is shy. I could talk to anyone about anything. I do get a little concerned about the language barrier, but I will be studying Spanish and culture the whole time I am there so it should cause too much of an issue.

I am going to challenge myself to be patient when learning new things and open to trying new foods. I want to immerse myself in the culture as much as possible. I also want to build a bond with my host family. I would love to keep in touch with them and even go back to visit them after my time abroad.

The aspects of my identity that I will bring will probably be southern hospitality and eagerness to learn. I was born and raised in the south and want to show people what it is all about. Especially while staying with a host family, I will make it a point to always be respectful, hospitable, and helpful. I will also show them how open I am to learning about their language and culture. Sometimes I think Americans can have a reputation for being close minded and I want to show them that I am the opposite.

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