Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Well, the brain adapts..

A part of me is worried about the possibility of culture shock. Will everything be so different I'm not able to handle it, or will I get so lost that I'm not able to function like a normal human being? Those are just a few questions running through my mind when I think about the trip. Yet, at the same time there's some part of me that's totally relaxed about the situations. I'd been away from my home, friends, and shoved in an environment several times before and I'd come out fine so why should this be different? So when I start to panic I know what side of my brain I should listen to.

Something I know I'll have to do is just take a step back, hide out in my room for a few hours, and just breathe. That alone will probably help me more than calling my worried parents or trying to catch my friends when they're awake. Just me, a long hot shower, and a good book to calm my nerves sounds like a good plan to me. If that doesn't work then maybe a call home wouldn't be a bad idea. After all they can remind me that I'm the one who wanted to be there, the one who went through all of this in order to get there. There are tons of other people who would kill to be in my place so I should enjoy it as much as I can.

My family and I already plan on setting up some sort of calling system, and Facebook is legal in Germany, thankfully, so they'll just be a message away. Making other friends and getting their support from that side will also help as will going out and seeing the good things that I came for. So while I'm worried about culture shock, I know that I'm a very adaptable person who will get used to the way of living soon enough. I know how to make myself relax and what will calm me down when I stress so if I can handle the course work then I should be fine.

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