Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Academic Differences

The academic system at the Center for International Learning in Muscat, Oman for their summer Intensive Arabic Language program has its many similarities to MC as well as differences.  As far as workload goes, this is a very intensive program.  The particular language program I am taking is two-semester’s worth of work condensed into one month.  The classroom culture will be much different than what it is like at MC.  

You should expect to be in a very diverse climate.  In my case, I will be one out of eight Americans amongst dozens of students from 40+ countries around the world.  It is also a very relaxed setting.  It isn’t the typical American styled classroom with orderly rows of desks.  It is more like an informal conference room with a very small (4-8) sized class.  The expectation of students is very high, much like it is here at Maryville College and other rigorous American colleges.  Due to the small class size, student-faculty relationships are very close – again, much like here at MC.  This particular program also offers a language buddy.  What this means is that you will be paired up with a native college student from the university in Muscat who speaks both English and Arabic, but will only speak with you in Arabic!  It will be great practice not only to learn the language, but to learn the culture and you will get to make a new friend.

As far as credits and letter grades go, it is almost exactly the same as an American university or college.  The school is headed by an American professor, and it is organized very much like a European or American institution would be organized.  For this particular language program, there will be about 6 hours a day of Arabic, with small breaks every hour or so.  There will also be weekly quizzes and examinations.  You should expect the same thing as if you were taking two intensive classes over Jterm, or similar length of time in the summer.  Credits also transfer equally.  For example, if you take two 3-credit hour courses equaling 6 hours – they would transfer here as 6 hours.

As far as academic support goes, CIL does offer private tutoring although very rarely because it is quite expensive.  On the other hand, if a student asks, they will pair a student up with a “peer facilitator” who will engage with that student in relaxed discussion in Arabic as well as accompany them while shopping, cooking, or just exploring town.  It is a school that really cares about their students’ wellbeing, and academic progress.

Because this is a summer course, you do not need to be enrolled as a full time student.  You will have the option of taking a four week session worth 6 credit hours, a ten week program worth 10 credit hours, and a three week program worth 4 credit hours.

The Intensive Arabic Language program offered in the summer at the Center for International Learning is a very rigorous program that is very similar to the rigors of Maryville College.  It shouldn’t be that different in terms of grades and credit transfers, because it is modeled after an American, or European college.  You will be challenged, and learn a great deal while having the time of your life.

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