Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lets take classes in Japan!!!!

The more I think about me going to Japan for a whole year the more I seem to forget that I will actually have to study for CLASS while I am there. WHAT?! It won't all be fun shopping and tourist attractions!! I guess it was only hope, that I would not have to go to class and learn :P.

I guess this is just another part of the adventure! I know some differences between the classes at MC compared to the classes at Toyo. However, I am not positive about every difference, but it is a learning experience. When I get there I will learn as I go!

Let me tell you about what I do know!!

First of all, the grading system is different! There are five different grades like we have here in the U.S. However, the grade range is different. We have a ten point system, but I'm not sure how they measure their system. The first grade is from 100- 80 and its called yuu (優), the next is from 79-70 and is called ryou (良), next is from 69-60 and is called ka (可). These three grades are passing, but there are two more with unique meanings. There is fuka (不可) which means the student tried but didn't pass and then there is houki (放棄) which means the student didn't try and the class is incomplete. As for me, I hope to see many yuus on my papers!

For the most part the Japanese classes will be similar to the ones at MC! YAY!!! One less thing to stress about, but it gets better! The Japanese classes there are more intense!! Don't want it too easy! However, the classes I will take for CREDIT (my favorite word) will mostly be done as lectures. This worries me a little, because that means that papers and exams are going to be the only grades... Oh such JOY! That sounds like soooo much FUN!

To add on, the class times are different! My language courses will meet three times a week for 90 minutes. Rockin'! On the up side my other classes don't meet as often. Some of my classes meet twice a week for 90 minutes, while others are only once a week for the same amount of time. That doesn't seem too bad! I can still go exploring when I'm not in class!

Of course, when I come back I want to make sure I am still able to graduate with my class! I was prepared to take all the courses I need in the worse case where none of them transfer. Fortunately, my adviser has confirmed that three of them are positively going to transfer!!! To top that, there is a possibility that another one will transfer as well!!

After hours of researching information on the universities in Japan, I feel that a only have a small part of the whole thing. The only way I can completely understand the differences between MC and Toyo is to experience it first hand. I'm dying to go there now, but I still have summer to wait. You know what they say, "patience is a virtue." It's so hard to be patient when I'm ready to go today! But I've waited 20 years whats a few more months going to hurt.

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