Sunday, April 19, 2015

Prague: the Perfect Piece (My Vocational Goals and how Studying Abroad will Help me Achieve Them)

My current career goals involve going into business and climbing the corporate ladder for ten or so years where I can earn a higher wage while working up to my PhD before moving into my true dream of working in business for non-profits, preferably theater (all of which are technically non-profit besides Broadway) or a human rights organization. I hope that my business career, nonprofit or not, can always involve international relations in one way or another. It would be amazing to one day be a director of development for a Theatre House in England or an Organization that provides aid to people in third world countries. These vocational dreams (or better put, goals) can never be achieved without global experience and a global perspective of the variant cultures and people around me.

My time abroad will directly affect my future vocational plans. I will gain experience in Europe where I hope to one day work, I will begin to understand business in another culture through my internship that I will have in Prague, and I will learn from people with different background than my own at the Anglo American University. I will also be taking the class "Games People Play in Business" which will teach me invaluable information for my future career.

Going to Prague is most importantly going to help me in deciding my next step in education. I have been considering the school of Economics, a graduate school in Prague that teaches completely in English and has one of the best masters programs for International Business I've found yet. I plan on visiting the school while I'm in Prague and figuring out if the Czech Republic is where I really want to go after Maryville College to continue my education and further my career goals.

I can't imagine what would happen to my career goals if I didn't study abroad. I don't think I could really hold a Bachelor of Arts in International Business without having any actual international experience. This is the next step needed to progress forward. I've carefully mapped out my life (with enough wiggle room to be happy with what fate brings) and going to Prague is the perfect piece to fit in my life puzzle.

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