Monday, April 2, 2018

Academic Distinctions Abroad: USA vs. Costa Rica

Academic Differences Between the U.S. and Costa Rica


Costa Rica is known to be one of the most peaceful countries in the world. It is located on an isthmus and the society places much importance on environmental conservation. They are not concerned with warfare so they do not have a standing army. Rather, they give their attention to schooling. 

Classes in Costa Rica can reach around 12 a day and sometimes don't follow a strict schedule. Students are encouraged to relax a lot more than in the United States. Homework is typically more sparse and class environment is more loose than the classrooms here. 

Typically faculty and students have a mutual respect for each other. They do not impose a lot of stress on their students and understand that having some downtime is crucial in producing quality work.


Students attending a university in Costa Rica can earn 2-3 credits in only two weeks, 6 credits in four weeks, or 12 credits in eight weeks. At Maryville College, classes vary in their credits worth but it is usually around 3.0 credits per a class. During one semester, it is expected for students to receive 12 or more credits. So, considering the duration of time and materials being studied, I would say it is not too different from the credit system we use here.


The following chart illustrates the contrasts in Costa Rica and the United States grading system.

The number grades are pretty much ranked the same but the letter grades are different. Also, they do not have a grade that compares with D in the U.S. Once the grade reaches the 60s it is considered Failing.

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