Sunday, April 27, 2014

Intercultural Competency

Tea fixes everything. I think I actually believe that at times. Whenever I am stressed out, nervous, depressed, or feeling any sort of negativity, I make myself a cup of tea. It is relaxing and delicious, and warms me up literally and figuratively. Having a cup of tea, if I am ever feeling homesick, reminds me of home - of my mom, and my grandmother. Making tea is sort of a ritual. Boil the water, get a cup down, put a teabag in said cup, pour water over teabag, then, a generous amount of sugar and a bit of milk. The time, then, that it takes to make the tea, allow it to cool enough to drink, and then drink it also gives me a short break from whatever I am stressed or upset about. It may sound silly, but I like to just sit down and relax and drink my tea and not think about anything else other than how great this tea is. Not that it makes my problems disappear, but the enjoyable break and relaxation make things a bit more manageable. 
Another thing that helps me to calm down is music. I have always loved music - making it and listening to it. There are certain cds and playlists on my ipod I may go back to that cheer me up. It sort of helps to clear my mind of all the clutter from a busy day. There is something about listening to a song you really, really love, and thinking, "no matter how bad today was, this song still sounds the same." It sort of means to me that whatever I am worrying about will pass, and I will be fine. 

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