Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wanderlust & Other Adventures: Vocation

Studying abroad in Finland aligns perfectly with my vocational goals, though I guess I should reiterate what those are:

My vocational goal in life is to work in either the international education field, or at least in some field that involves international relations.

So how exactly does studying abroad in Finland help me do this? Easy, studying abroad in Finland will help me to see how it is schools in other countries handle study abroad and the processes that other students have to go through in order to study abroad. Are the coordinators more hands on or hands off? Do they offer pre-departure and post-departure classes? These are just a few questions I plan to ask myself while studying abroad.

A major skill I am hoping to acquire is understanding how to adapt to different school systems and get a better look at how the process might be different for those dealing with both sides of the process. If I am able to do this, if I do happen to get a job as an international student coordinator maybe I can use the knowledge I have acquired to help students to make their study abroad process as smooth and stress free as possible.

All and all I really hope to take this whole experience as a learning and growing exercise. Being out of the country and pretty much by myself for a large amount of time will be interesting, and it will definitely help me to get ready for life after college. Just a few more steps to complete now and before I know it I'll be on my way~!

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