Monday, October 5, 2015

An American in the Middle East

As I am preparing to return to the Middle East, this time to study abroad, there are several things which I must keep in mind. The activities and surveys I have taken for my study abroad prep class have made me realize just how much group identity is valued in the Middle East. The United States places a strong emphasis on individuality, but countries such as the United Arab Emirates have more of an emphasis on group identity than I am used to in the United States. These surveys have also showed me that I am a culturally flexible type of person. I do not necessarily fall on one extreme side of any cultural spectrum, so adjusting to vastly different cultures seems less daunting for me than it might to some people.

Between now and the time that I leave for the United Arab Emirates, I need to do some research and reading on my own about the cultural differences between American society and the Middle East. I do not want to accidentally offend someone with a crude gesture or an inappropriate exaggeration of my voice. Even if I do something offensive, I am not too overly worried about the consequences. It has been my experience from traveling that people are generally quite forgiving to foreigners over those sorts of things.

When I am in the United Arab Emirates, I wish to adapt my cultural practices to as close as the local Emirati practices as possible. I can do this by conversing with local students on campus, being observant when I am out in public, and approaching the situation with an open mind. This will be challenging for me because I have never been out of the United States for this long. I am unsure about how long I will change over time and how much my cultural practices will adapt throughout the semester. It is also going to be important for me to keep an open mind on time management. I am generally someone who likes to be on time to events and expects others to be on time as well. This is something which will not be a given in the Middle East, so I should definitely plan accordingly.

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