Monday, October 19, 2015

Living like a local

How do you want to get involved on campus and/or in the community?
I want to do things like volunteer at ESL centers, and become involved in a dance group or daycare program, if possible. I also want to tutor other students in English

What does “living like a local” mean to you, and why is it important while you study abroad?
Living like a local means do the best I can to stay away from the comfortable, “American” things that I am used to. I want to do things like eating local food, engaging in local activites and adapting to local customs (social register, daily cycle, etc.)

• In what ways do you plan on fully immersing yourself into the various aspects of your host culture (to live like a local), both on campus and in the community?
On campus: I want to take cultural classes (calligraphy, traditional music) language classes and go on excursions like a normal college student would. (E.g. beach trips, coffee shops)
Off campus: I want to go to various concerts, and go to the preserved villages, and of course, go see Jeju Island!

What are some of the specific opportunities that you can find through your host institution? In your host community?
There are volunteering programs, and church related groups along with peer mentor programs.    

How are you going to make local friends?
I would like to think it will be simpler for me than some others. I have meet students that have come here, and they have friends that they have said they would like me to meet.

What do you imagine your day to day life looking like? 
1st: Waking up and getting breakfast
2nd Playing around with my floor mates, asking lots of “foreigner questions.”
3rd Attending classes/eating lunch
4th Going on hikes, going to plays, and trying out sports
5th trying new foods

What do you hope to gain most from your approach to getting involved and living like a local? How do you think this will both further your understanding of your host culture and impact your experience?

. I am incredibly passionate about education and psycholinguistics, so I have many plans while abroad.

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