Monday, October 19, 2015

Local Living in Germany

Living in Germany will be big adjustment from my current life in the US. While this won't be my first time in a completely new place, it will be the first time being there for so long. That means I'm going to have to learn to live the way the Germans do. Germany is similar in many ways to the US, but there are still differences. It is so important to me to live like a local, so that I can completely immerse myself in the culture and lifestyle. 

At TU Dortmund, they have a language course that I will be taking at the beginning of the semester. Since I will not be in as many regular classes, and I will be student teaching, I hope that the month I am in the language course will allow me to make friends. In addition to the language course, the university also has sports similar to intramurals. I plan to participate in those in an effort to stay healthy and meet more people. 

Since my experience will not be the traditional study abroad experience, my day to day life will consist of going to school and taking a few classes at night. I am excited at the chance to learn about the school systems and how these students learn and behave in class. In order to be more immersed, I plan to continue to practice German so that the language barrier will not be as bad. 

I hope that while abroad I will learn more about culture that will help me to live like a local.

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