Sunday, October 18, 2015

Local Living in China

I know from past experiences that a new culture is always more enjoyable when you take the time to immerse yourself in the culture and make yourself at home. The quicker that I can shift my thinking away from feeling like a temporary resident and rather towards enjoying being "all in" wherever I go, the more I love a new culture. I have found that, in many cases, it is much more fun to live like a local than like a tourist. In China I hope to find myself comfortable with the culture and enjoying being a part of normal life in Nanchang.

One way that I hope to involve myself in the culture and meet local students is to participate in the student centered language sessions held at the University. These sessions are mutually beneficial, because both local and international students attend and help each other with the languages that they are learning. So, local students come to help international students practice Mandarin, and native English speakers come to help locals, many buisness majors, practice their English. I look forward to this because it is a relaxed, yet structured setting to meet people in, as well as a way to improve my Mandarin.

I am especially interested in strengthening my Mandarin speaking skills because I think that it will be the biggest tool that I can use to get involved with the community outside of the school. As I understand it, many people in the local city do not speak English. I will need to use as much Mandarin as I can to successfully function in the city. However, this will be another great way to practice the language. I expect that simply going grocery shopping, getting a taxi and exploring downtown will help me to feel involved in the community and comfortable with my surroundings. I hope that by getting out beyond the University I will find out about local events that I can attend as well.

In the end, I think that forming relationships with locals will be the overall best way to learn more about the city, get involved with the community and understand what it really means to live like a local in China. My goal is to form, not necessarily numerous, but intentional friendships with local students and individuals that I meet.

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