Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blending In: Blog Post 4

For awhile now we've been talking about 'living like a local' and how we're going to do that. Honestly I haven't given it much thought because unlike planning out my week, which needs to be very organized and planned, I'm more free flowing when it comes to interacting with others. I like the spontaneous aspect of what might happen when talking with someone else and just letting things go naturally. However, I do have some plans for getting to know the people in Germany and how to make some friends (hopefully).
One of my plans for overseas is to get some of my thesis research done, which means that I will be in the libraries a lot. There I hope to connect with other people interested in the same things I am, even if they aren't my age or going to the same place, and get to experience communicating with others and in German. That alone will hopefully gain me some good friends and experiences with the locals.
Another thing is that I want to experience the full life of Germany. A good place to do that is the train stations and in the bars. Going to a bar will be a huge experience for me since the only one I've really gone to are ones in big chain restaurants. There I can connect with other people and learn some of their stories. Train stations are great places to learn how to speak with other people, which is what I hope to do. Markets, something I'm looking forward to a lot, in the morning and seeing what people buy and how they eat. Communicating there and seeing what's good, what's not, and so fort would be awesome.
All in all, though, I know I need to make a more secure plan and learn how to be more emerged in the country. I'm hoping to just let things go naturally, starting with meeting my 'student aid' that is given to me by the college, and I'm able to make some friends by just being myself.

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